
Have Jack speak at your next education or student conference.
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Education Conferences

Developing your Personal “Life Signature”

  • Conference Keynote - 50 minutes
  • Targeted Audience - Any educational group of Administrators, Teachers or Areas of Specialty Educators

Key Takeaways

  • Educators are in a unique position of influence in the lives of young people
  • Each person has a unique written signature and “life signature”
  • The value of a person’s written signature is equal to the integrity and reputation of its owner
  • A person’s “life signature” is what they “earn” through how they live their daily lives
  • Attendees will understand the three areas of their life that will determine the value of their ”life signature”
  • Attendees will be provided a worksheet to work on to develop the type of “life signature” they want associated with their name

Student Conferences

Developing your "Life Signature"

  • Workshop - 2 1/2 hours
  • Keynote/Assembly - 50 minutes
  • Targeted Audience - High school students

Key Takeaways

  • Young people today are not being taught the basic life skills needed to live productive and meaningful lives
  • Today many young people are more interested in their image than their true character
  • Each young person has a unique written signature and “life signature”
  • The value of a person’s written signature is equal to the integrity and reputation of its owner
  • A person’s “life signature” is what they “earn” through how they live their daily lives
  • The time to start developing your “life signature” is when you are young
  • Students will understand the three areas of their life that will determine the value of their “life signature”
  • Students will be provided a worksheet to work on to develop the type of “life signature” they want associated with their name
  • Students will be given a “Decision Making Pledge Card” to emphasize the importance of their decision making